~stand together~

sixth batch sambestarian's blog

"Solatlah kamu sebagaimana kamu melihat aku solat." (Hadith riwayat Bukhari)

Without a doubt, solat is one of the most important ibadah as a Muslim. One cannot go wrong as far as to say that the act of solat itself represents the ultimate act of obedience to our Almighty Lord Allah s.w.t.

"Islam itu ditegakkan atas lima perkara: Mengakui bahawasanya tiada Tuhan yang berhak disembah melainkan Allah, mendirikan solat, menunaikan zakat, melaksanakan haji di Baitullah dan berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan." (Bukhari)

I would rather not go into details into things which are based on khilafiah. eg: bersedekap di dada, menggerakkan jari ketika tasyahud ataupun menjatuhkan tangan dahulu sebelum lutut ketika hendak sujud...and so on. However, I would like to bring the readers' attentions to more important issues at hand.

It has always been a bad habit of mine to observe people performing the solat (Don't ask me why...). And apparently, there was one time after I finished performing the solat sunnat rawatib, I noticed an old guy who was performing the solat in front of me. Angkat takbir dengan penuh rasa malas, rukuknya dengan tangannya dan tulang belikatnya tidak lurus, sujudnya dengan tangannya mencium lantai. I don't know about u guys, but it was really a sad and painful sight for me to behold. Hati ini terasa benar ingin menegur pak cik tersebut, tetapi mulut ini begitu berat sekali untuk memulakan perbualan. Lantas hati ini cuba menipu diri sendiri dengan menyangka bahawa pak cik tersebut baru belajar solat.

Daripada Ibn Abbas r.a. katanya: Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: Aku diperintahkan untuk bersujud di atas tulang, (iaitu) di atas dahi (baginda turut mengisyaratkan ke hidung), dua tangan, dua lutut dan jari-jari kaki. (Hadith riwayat Bukhari)

Daripada Barra bin Azib r.a. katanya : Rasulullah s.a.w. telah bersabda: Jika kamu bersujud, letaklah kedua tapak tanganmu ke lantai dan angkatlah kedua-dua siku kalian. (Hadith riwayat Muslim).

Narrated Abu Humaid As-Saidi r.a. : I saw Allah's messanger when he uttered the takbir, he placed his hands parallel to his shoulders, and when hi bowed down, he rested his hands on his knees, then bent his back. When he raised his heads up, he stood erect until the bones of his spine became straight. When he prostrated(sujud), he placed his arms such that they were neither spread out or drawn in, and the tips of his toes were facing the Qiblah, when he sat up, at the end of two rakaáh, he sat on his left foot and put erect the right one, and when he sat up after the last rakáh, he put forward the left foot, put erect the other one, and sat on his buttock. (Reported by Bukhari)

But alas, the misery wasn't over yet. Next come the most painful part of all. Muazzin kemudiannya melaungkan iqamah sebagai tanda solat jemaah akan bermula. I will then grieved in silence as I watched the pathetic sight of our own saff. Imam solat tersebut langsung tidak ambil peduli akan "kerapian dan keseragaman" (this is suppose to be sarcastic) saff-saff di belakangnya. Dalam keadaaan yang kritikal, aku cuba mengambil inisiatif untuk mengajak beberapa makmum untuk merapatkan saff mereka, tetapi mereka bagaikan tidak biasa dengan perbuatanku, lantas kembali merenggangkan kembali.

"Truly Allah loves those who fight in His Cause in battle array, as if they were a solid cemented structure." (Al-Saff verse 4)

Narrated Anas r.a. :Allah messenger said: Stand close together n your rows (saff), bring them (the rows) near one another, and stand neck to neck (in straight lines). (Reported by Abu Daud and Nasa'i. Ibn Hibban graded it sahih)

Adakah kita ini sudah beranggapan bahawa solat itu boleh diremehkan. Sesungguhnya solat bagiku merupakan lambang kekuatan dan kebanggaan kita sebagai umat Islam. Ini baru mereka yang menunaikan solat, belum kira lagi berapa ramai antara umat Islam yang tidak menunaikan solat langsung?

"Nay, seek (Allah's) help with patient perseverance and prayer, it is indeed hard, except to those who bring a lowly spirit (khusyu')" (Baqarah verse 45)

"The Believers must (eventually) win through (1) Those who humble themselves in their prayers(2) " (Al-Mu'minun verse 1-2)

With that said, I really hoped that this short article will more or less be the starting point for us to better our solat or even at least beneficial in any way to the readers. Not to say that I myself has performed the most perfect solat, as part of the reason as to why I wrote this was for the sole purpose of reminding myself specifically and to the rest of Muslim community in general. There are a lot of other things to discuss regarding the correct way of performing solat, which I hoped that we can discuss in the future.

With that, WaAllahua'lam.

Audit Associate.


heheh..aku tolong komen la ek sbb ko dah komen..

naper ek dalil ko tuh kejap2 BI kejap2 BM? Tapi best gak..dapt aku meneka matannya yang arab

Jgn nk groupkan ak same ngan ko. Ak x mintak pun komen, hehe.

Sebenarnya bahan reference ak BI, asalnya semangat r nk terjemahkan, last2 BUKAN salin bulat2 drpd buku tu.

Apsal ak terasa mcm diperli lak eh..
Tau r dh power bhsa arab.


erm people do change...


Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani

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