~stand together~

sixth batch sambestarian's blog


So, I've officially became the new admin for this blog. And I am honored to be part of the team. Hence, I thought that I'd introduce myself.


Well, mainly to kill some time. Initially, I had the same dilemma as Afiq Arshad whether I should accept the invitation or not? But after I did some serious thinking of five minutes, I thought it would do good for me since my own blog is not that popular compared to others. Well, thinking of the thought that I'll be able share some of my opinions with

others, I became euphoric at the idea. As this blog will be a much better platform for me to be able to share with you guys and vice versa.


I have to make it clear that I'll be focusing mostly about matters concerning our true religion. And I would also like to make very clear that I can accept opinions of the others and I stand to be corrected. In much simpler words, my opinions are not absolute and can be criticised regardless of who you are as long as you brought forward evidence from the Quran and the Sunnah.

And I will also ocassionally make mistakes here and then. If you happen to come across them, please correct me, since I am clearly not an authority in the field of tafsir,hadith or feqh. (Budak accounting nak citer psal agama...)

But I'll make sure that everything that I shared with u guys came from a reliable sources so that there won't be any question as to the source of the information.

And if u happen to came across something that u're not very clear at, please feel free to ask.


I'll be using full english as my medium of communication, of course. Since I'm not that fluent in using the Bahasa Baku in Malay like Afiq Arshad. (Sorry lah Afiq, tak letak hyperlink gi friendster).

Jst joking, I will alternate between the two languages.

And last but not least, I hope that I can learn new things from you guys. Again, I'm really honored that I received the invitation.



thanks hisyam.. u can post anything that we can share together


ppsmi.. haha..bley wat topik nie.. hehe

welcome to hisyam(pdahal x jd admin lg)..but anyway..all the best..aku lambat2 sikit ek jd admin..ada bnyk lagi bnda lain kene buat..so slmt berjuang r korang2 ek..


Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani

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